Class MakeEffect
Provides helper methods for creating ShaderEffects.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Fusee.Engine.Core
Assembly: Fusee.Engine.Core.dll
public static class MakeEffect
public static SurfaceEffect Default()
Type | Description |
SurfaceEffect |
DeferredLightingPassEffect(IRenderTarget, Light, WritableArrayTexture, float2[], Int32, float4)
[Parallel light only] ShaderEffect that performs the lighting calculation according to the textures from the Geometry Pass. Shadow is calculated with cascaded shadow maps.
public static ShaderEffect DeferredLightingPassEffect(IRenderTarget srcRenderTarget, Light lc, WritableArrayTexture shadowMap, float2[] clipPlanes, int numberOfCascades, float4 backgroundColor)
Type | Name | Description |
IRenderTarget | srcRenderTarget | The source render target. |
Light | lc | The light component. |
WritableArrayTexture | shadowMap | The cascaded shadow maps. |
float2[] | clipPlanes | The clip planes of the frustums. Each frustum is associated with one shadow map. |
System.Int32 | numberOfCascades | The number of sub-frustums, used for cascaded shadow mapping. |
float4 | backgroundColor | Sets the background color. Could be replaced with a texture or other sky color calculations in the future. |
Type | Description |
ShaderEffect |
DeferredLightingPassEffect(IRenderTarget, Light, float4, IWritableTexture)
ShaderEffect that performs the lighting calculation according to the textures from the Geometry Pass.
public static ShaderEffect DeferredLightingPassEffect(IRenderTarget srcRenderTarget, Light lc, float4 backgroundColor, IWritableTexture shadowMap = null)
Type | Name | Description |
IRenderTarget | srcRenderTarget | The source render target. |
Light | lc | The light component. |
float4 | backgroundColor | Sets the background color. Could be replaced with a texture or other sky color calculations in the future. |
IWritableTexture | shadowMap | The shadow map. |
Type | Description |
ShaderEffect |
FromBRDF(float4, Single, Single, Single, Single, Single, float3, float3, Texture, Single, float2, Texture, Single, Texture)
Builds a simple shader effect for physically-based lighting using a bidirectional reflectance distribution function.
public static SurfaceEffect FromBRDF(float4 albedoColor, float roughness, float metallic, float specular, float ior, float subsurface = 0F, float3 subsurfaceColor = default(float3), float3 emissionColor = default(float3), Texture albedoTex = null, float albedoMix = 0F, float2 texTiles = default(float2), Texture normalTex = null, float normalMapStrength = 0.5F, Texture thicknessMap = null)
Type | Name | Description |
float4 | albedoColor | The albedo color of the resulting effect. |
System.Single | roughness | The roughness of the specular and diffuse reflection. |
System.Single | metallic | Value used to blend between the metallic and the dielectric model. |
System.Single | specular | Amount of dielectric specular reflection. |
System.Single | ior | The index of refraction. Note that this is set to 0.04 for dielectrics when rendering deferred. |
System.Single | subsurface | Mix between diffuse and subsurface scattering. |
float3 | subsurfaceColor | Subsurface scattering base color. |
float3 | emissionColor | If this color isn't black the material emits it. Note that this will not have any effect on global illumination yet. |
Texture | albedoTex | The albedo texture. |
System.Single | albedoMix | Determines how much the diffuse color and the color from the texture are mixed. |
float2 | texTiles | The number of times the textures are repeated in x and y direction. |
Texture | normalTex | The normal map. |
System.Single | normalMapStrength | The strength of the normal mapping effect. |
Texture | thicknessMap | A texture containing the thickness of an object. Used for subsurface scattering. |
Type | Description |
SurfaceEffect |
FromDiffuse(float4, Single, float3, Texture, Single, float2, Texture, Single)
Builds a simple shader effect with diffuse lighting component.
public static SurfaceEffect FromDiffuse(float4 albedoColor, float roughness = 0F, float3 emissionColor = default(float3), Texture albedoTex = null, float albedoMix = 0F, float2 texTiles = default(float2), Texture normalTex = null, float normalMapStrength = 0.5F)
Type | Name | Description |
float4 | albedoColor | The albedo color of the resulting effect. |
System.Single | roughness | If 0.0 (default value) the diffuse component gives standard Lambertian reflection, higher values activate the Oren-Nayar calculation. |
float3 | emissionColor | If this color isn't black the material emits it. Note that this will not have any effect on global illumination yet. |
Texture | albedoTex | The albedo texture. |
System.Single | albedoMix | Determines how much the diffuse color and the color from the texture are mixed. |
float2 | texTiles | The number of times the textures are repeated in x and y direction. |
Texture | normalTex | The normal map. |
System.Single | normalMapStrength | The strength of the normal mapping effect. |
Type | Description |
SurfaceEffect |
FromDiffuseInstanced(float4, Single, float3, Texture, Single, float2, Texture, Single)
Builds a simple shader effect with diffuse lighting component. This will set up the underlying shader for instanced rendering.
public static SurfaceEffect FromDiffuseInstanced(float4 albedoColor, float roughness = 0F, float3 emissionColor = default(float3), Texture albedoTex = null, float albedoMix = 0F, float2 texTiles = default(float2), Texture normalTex = null, float normalMapStrength = 0.5F)
Type | Name | Description |
float4 | albedoColor | The albedo color of the resulting effect. |
System.Single | roughness | If 0.0 (default value) the diffuse component gives standard Lambertian reflection, higher values activate the Oren-Nayar calculation. |
float3 | emissionColor | If this color isn't black the material emits it. Note that this will not have any effect on global illumination yet. |
Texture | albedoTex | The albedo texture. |
System.Single | albedoMix | Determines how much the diffuse color and the color from the texture are mixed. |
float2 | texTiles | The number of times the textures are repeated in x and y direction. |
Texture | normalTex | The normal map. |
System.Single | normalMapStrength | The strength of the normal mapping effect. |
Type | Description |
SurfaceEffect |
FromDiffuseSpecular(float4, Single, Single, Single, float3, Texture, Single, float2, Texture, Single)
Builds a simple shader effect with diffuse and specular lighting components.
public static SurfaceEffect FromDiffuseSpecular(float4 albedoColor, float roughness = 0F, float shininess = 255F, float specularStrength = 0.5F, float3 emissionColor = default(float3), Texture albedoTex = null, float albedoMix = 0F, float2 texTiles = default(float2), Texture normalTex = null, float normalMapStrength = 0.5F)
Type | Name | Description |
float4 | albedoColor | The albedo color of the resulting effect. |
System.Single | roughness | If 0.0 (default value) the diffuse component gives standard Lambertian reflection, higher values activate the Oren-Nayar calculation. |
System.Single | shininess | The resulting effect's shininess. |
System.Single | specularStrength | The resulting effects specular intensity. |
float3 | emissionColor | If this color isn't black the material emits it. Note that this will not have any effect on global illumination yet. |
Texture | albedoTex | The albedo texture. |
System.Single | albedoMix | Determines how much the diffuse color and the color from the texture are mixed. |
float2 | texTiles | The number of times the textures are repeated in x and y direction. |
Texture | normalTex | The normal map. |
System.Single | normalMapStrength | The strength of the normal mapping effect. |
Type | Description |
SurfaceEffect |
FromGlossy(float4, Single, Texture, Single, float2, Texture, Single)
Builds a simple shader effect for a glossy lighting (full metallic setup).
public static SurfaceEffect FromGlossy(float4 albedoColor, float roughness = 0F, Texture albedoTex = null, float albedoMix = 0F, float2 texTiles = default(float2), Texture normalTex = null, float normalMapStrength = 0.5F)
Type | Name | Description |
float4 | albedoColor | The albedo color of the resulting effect. |
System.Single | roughness | Used to calculate the GGX micro facet distribution. |
Texture | albedoTex | The albedo texture. |
System.Single | albedoMix | Determines how much the diffuse color and the color from the texture are mixed. |
float2 | texTiles | The number of times the textures are repeated in x and y direction. |
Texture | normalTex | The normal map. |
System.Single | normalMapStrength | The strength of the normal mapping effect. |
Type | Description |
SurfaceEffect |
FromUnlit(float4, Texture, float2, Single)
Creates a simple unlit shader from an albedo color and texture.
public static SurfaceEffect FromUnlit(float4 albedoColor, Texture albedoTex = null, float2 texTiles = default(float2), float albedoMix = 0F)
Type | Name | Description |
float4 | albedoColor | The albedo color. |
Texture | albedoTex | The albedo texture. |
float2 | texTiles | The number of times the textures are repeated in x and y direction. |
System.Single | albedoMix | Determines how much the diffuse color and the color from the texture are mixed. |
Type | Description |
SurfaceEffect |
FXAARenderTargetEffect(WritableTexture, int2)
If rendered with FXAA we'll need an additional (final) pass, that takes the lighted scene, rendered to a texture, as input.
public static ShaderEffect FXAARenderTargetEffect(WritableTexture srcTex, int2 screenParams)
Type | Name | Description |
WritableTexture | srcTex | RenderTarget, that contains a single texture in the Albedo/Specular channel, that contains the lighted scene. |
int2 | screenParams | The width and height of the screen. |
Type | Description |
ShaderEffect |
LineEffect(Single, float4, Boolean)
Generates a line shader which can be used with a Mesh with MeshType set to Lines. /// Loads shader files via Get<T>(String) For an asynchronous version use LineEffectAsync(Single, float4, Boolean)
public static Effect LineEffect(float lineThickness, float4 albedoColor, bool enableVertexColors = false)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Single | lineThickness | |
float4 | albedoColor | |
System.Boolean | enableVertexColors |
Type | Description |
Effect |
LineEffectAsync(Single, float4, Boolean)
Generates a line shader which can be used with a Mesh with MeshType set to Lines. Loads shader files via GetAsync<T>(String) For an non asynchronous version use LineEffect(Single, float4, Boolean)
public static async Task<Effect> LineEffectAsync(float lineThickness, float4 albedoColor, bool enableVertexColors = false)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Single | lineThickness | |
float4 | albedoColor | |
System.Boolean | enableVertexColors |
Type | Description |
System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Effect> |
ShaderEffect that renders the depth map from a lights point of view - this depth map is used as a shadow map.
public static ShaderEffect ShadowCubeMapEffect(float4x4[] lightSpaceMatrices)
Type | Name | Description |
float4x4[] | lightSpaceMatrices |
Type | Description |
ShaderEffect |
ShaderEffect that renders the depth map from a lights point of view - this depth map is used as a shadow map.
public static ShaderEffect ShadowCubeMapEffectPointPrimitives(float4x4[] lightSpaceMatrices)
Type | Name | Description |
float4x4[] | lightSpaceMatrices |
Type | Description |
ShaderEffect |
ShaderEffect that renders the depth map from a lights point of view - this depth map is used as a shadow map.
public static ShaderEffect ShadowMapEffect()
Type | Description |
ShaderEffect |
Creates a blurred ssao texture, to hide rectangular artifacts originating from the noise texture;
public static ShaderEffect SSAORenderTargetBlurEffect(WritableTexture ssaoRenderTex)
Type | Name | Description |
WritableTexture | ssaoRenderTex | The non blurred ssao texture. |
Type | Description |
ShaderEffect |
SSAORenderTargetTextureEffect(IRenderTarget, Int32, int2, Int32)
Shader effect for the ssao pass.
public static ShaderEffect SSAORenderTargetTextureEffect(IRenderTarget geomPassRenderTarget, int kernelLength, int2 screenParams, int noiseTexSize)
Type | Name | Description |
IRenderTarget | geomPassRenderTarget | RenderTarget filled in the previous geometry pass. |
System.Int32 | kernelLength | SSAO kernel size. |
int2 | screenParams | Width and Height of the screen. |
System.Int32 | noiseTexSize | Width and height of the noise texture. |
Type | Description |
ShaderEffect |