Enum TextureFilterMode
Defines how to map texels to uv coordinates.
Namespace: Fusee.Engine.Common
Assembly: Fusee.Engine.Common.dll
public enum TextureFilterMode
Name | Description |
Linear | Bilinear filtering.An interpolated value from the texture coordinate's neighboring texels, approximating a color between the texels, is taken. |
LinearMipmapLinear | Linearly interpolates between the two closest mipmaps and samples the texture via linear interpolation. |
LinearMipmapNearest | Takes the nearest mipmap level and samples using linear interpolation. |
Nearest | Default texture filtering method. When set, the pixel which center is closest to the texture coordinate is selected. |
NearestMipmapLinear | Linearly interpolates between the two mipmaps that most closely match the size of a pixel and samples via nearest neighbor interpolation. |
NearestMipmapNearest | Takes the nearest mipmap to match the pixel size and uses nearest neighbor interpolation for texture sampling. |